Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mess with the bull, you get The Antlers!

Welcome back to another week of music and beer.  This week's blog is gonna be short, for one we have no new followers, and my cousins Kent and Audrey are coming in town and should be pulling in at any minute.  Should make for a great night of drinking and singing!

Tonight's IPA is called Nectar  IPA.  I was intrigued by this beer when I first saw it on the shelf because the only nectar that I had ever heard of was Early Times Whiskey and any diet drink.   Right before I cracked my first Nectar IPA I realized the it was brewed in Paso Robles, CA which is very interesting because the nectar (whiskey and diet) was born and raised in San Luis Obispo, CA which is right up the street.  I love the connection.  At any rate, it turns out this IPA is really really good.  It has great flavor and aroma.  I am very impressed!!! And for that, by no surprise:


This weeks pick comes off The Antlers newest album Burst Apart.  I really like the entire album so it made this difficult to pick just one song.  I decided on the song Parentheses because I love the guitar in between verses.  I think this whole CD is definitely worth the listen, so if you like this song, check it out.  Hope you like it.

The Antlers, "Parentheses:"

Until next week...

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